Mostly rice is cultivated in verious areas of our country in early summer and harvested before the arrival of winter season. Rice cultivation in our country is depend on irrigation water.Although rice is cultivated in various parts of our country, but canal irrigated areas in punjab and sindh provinces have an important position. the lahore and gujranwala district in punjab province have leading position in the production of rice and some quantity of rice is cultivated in faisalabad, multan and bahawalpur divisions.The superior quality of rice of pakistan knows as Basmati is grown in district lahore and gujranwala. Beside Punjab, sindh have also important for the production of rice in Pakistan. the district of larkana and sukhar division have important position in rice production.some quantity of rice is also grown in hyderabad division of sindh. some amount of rice is also cultivated in various area of Khebar pakhtonkha older N.W.F.P baluchistan and azad kashmir, where irrigation facilities are available.